A Rare Case of Cutaneous Ganglioneuroma in a Buffalo

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Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 69 (2)  June 2014 107 Cutaneous Ganglioneuroma in a Bufalo
Cutaneous ganglioneuroma, a benign tumor of ganglion
cells and neuromatous cells is rarely encountered in domes-
tic animals. Many oncologists assume that the ganglioneu-
romas are generally derived from the cells of neural crest
which migrate, diferentiate and proliferate in diferent sites
of the body (1). Only one or two ruminant cases especially
in cattle and bufaloes have been documented. Sporadic oc-
currences of these tumors have been reported in other ani-
mals like dogs, cats, pigs, and horses (2-8). Tese tumors are
more common in humans as compared to animals. Tis tu-
mor has been reported to occur at diferent locations along
the autonomic nervous system in the skin, adrenal medulla,
gastrointestinal tract, peritoneal cavity and mediastinum (9).
Ganglioneuroma can be solitary or multicentric (10).Tough
benign in nature, it can be a serious threat if it involves the
normal functioning of any vital organ. Tis paper describes
the case of cutaneous ganglioneuroma, its diagnosis and suc-
cessful surgical management in a Murrah bufalo.
A fve year and four month old Murrha bufalo with a medium
sized growth close to eye was presented to the Government
Veterinary Dispensary Grade I, District Tane, India. On
physical examination, a grayish solitary growth measuring
3-4 cm in length, was found close to the lateral canthus of
the left eye impeding the natural movement of eyelid. Te
growth appeared painless without evidence of any regional
metastasis. Considering the location of growth, surgical re-
moval was preferred as a treatment of choice.
Te animal was premedicated with sedative Xylazine
Hydrochloride (Xylaxin, Indian Immunologicals,
Hyderabad, India) and under local ring block infltra-
tion with 2% Lignocaine Hydrochloride (Xylocard 2%,
Astra Zenea, Bangalore, India), the tumor mass was ex-
cised. Along with afected part, small healthy tissue of ad-
A Rare Case of Cutaneous Ganglioneuroma in a Bufalo
Gavhane, D.S.,
* Jadhav, S.R.
and Moregaonkar, S.D.
Department of Veterinary Pathology, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai-12, India.
Government Veterinary Dispensary Grade I, Manivali, District Tane, Maharashtra, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. D.S. Gavhane, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai – 400012, Maharashtra State,
India. Tel: +919011443802. Email: mmaulivet@gmail.com.
Te case of a Murrah bufalo of fve years and four month of age was presented with a medium
sized growth on the skin close to the lateral canthus of the left eye, thereby interfering the natural
movement of eyelids. Due to the location of tumor close to the eye, surgical removal was preferred as
the treatment of choice. Te excised tumor mass was subjected to detailed histopathological analysis.
Detailed microscopic evaluation of hemotoxylin eosin stained tissue sections revealed many mature
ganglion cells intermixed with neuromatous cells and nerve fbers. On the basis of these gross and
histopathological fndings, the tumor was diagnosed as cutaneous ganglioneuroma, a rarely encountered
tumor in cattle.
Keywords: Ganglioneuroma, murrah bufalo.
Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 69 (2)  June 2014 Gavhane, D.S. 108
joining area around tumor was also removed. Te edges of
skin were sutured with Nylon using the simple interrupt-
ed method. Te animal was given post operative medica-
tions with Enrofoxacin (Enrocin, Vetnex, Delhi, India),
Metamizole (Analgin, Intervet SPAH, India) and regular
dressing with Iodine ointment. Sutures were removed after
postoperative day. Te sections of excised mass were
preserved in 10% neutral bufered formalin and processed
for routine histopathology using Hematoxylin and Eosin
stain (H&E).
Detailed microscopic examination of (H&E) stained
tissue sections (Figure 1) revealed presence of mature
ganglion cells with an eosin pink cytoplasm intermixed
with proliferating neuromatous cells and wavy bundles
of nerve fbers. Te ganglion cells were encircled by
Schwann cells. Te nuclei of proliferating cells were ec-
centric, vesicular, hyperchromatic and showed mild ana-
plasia with one or two prominent nucleoli. Mitotic fgure
were absent. Te degenerating nissel substance (Figure
2) was also noticed as basophilic cytoplasmic granules in
some ganglion cells.
Te gross and microscopic profle of the growth were sug-
gestive of a cutaneous ganglioneuroma. Lesions detailed in
this case were in conformity with those described by Une
et al. 1984 and Kheirandish et al. 2011 (1, 8). Although the
microscopic features presented here are of diagnostic impor-
tance in ganglioneuroma, however, in some cases additional
tools such as immunohistochemistry are advisable to avoid
diagnostic dilemmas. Immunolocalization of protein mark-
ers such as S100 in tumor cells can be used to confrm cells
of neural origin and to diferentiate it from other conditions
like fbromatosis (11).
As a benign tumor it does not metastasize to other parts of
the body. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice
for such cases. In cases of skin involvement prognosis of gan-
glioneuroma is always good, however, it can be at risk if it in-
volves vital organs. Unusual location of tumor in the body may
pose serious health complications (12, 13). Te development of
tumor on or near to the eye may impede the vision and may lead
to anxiety and discomfort to the animal. Involvement of the gas-
trointestinal tract will interfere with the normal digestive pro-
cess and may cause death by obstructing the intestinal lumen.
Development of large tumors in the mediastinal cavity may
interfere in respiration or even functioning of the heart (12).
Figure 2: Marginally placed nissl substance (Black arrow) and wavy bundles
of nerve fbres H&E ×1000.
Figure 1: Neoplastic ganglion cells surrounded by schwann cell (Black arrow)
intermixed with bundles of nerve fbres (Red arrow) H&E ×1000.
Case Reports
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Case Reports

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