
March 29, 2012 — admin
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Editor ial
his edition of the Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine honors the memory of Prof. Natan Ayalon, a pioneer researcher in the field of bovine reproduction. Prof. Mordechai Shemesh has written about Prof. Ay a l on with whom he worked and published. Although I never met Prof. Ayalon personally it is clear from his former students and those who were aquainted with him what an outstanding figure he was both in his research and his influence in the field of veterinary medicine in Israel. I have also included in this edition a selected list of his publications, and the titles speak for themselves. In his honor this journal features only articles related to animal reproduction and in this regard I have attempted to cover a wide range of domestic animals with articles relating to bovine, caprine, swine, equine, and canine species.
Between 1988 and 1990 Prof. Ayalon served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine. I am proud to be carrying on this task in his footsteps bearing in mind the importance of this journal as a mouthpiece for the excellence of veterinary medicine in Israel. In particular I notice that although he published extensively in international journals, he did not neglect to publish some of his ground-breaking
research in the Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Refuah Veterinarith). I hope this will serve as an example to other Israeli researchers among us. Prof. Ayalon served as an excellent example to the veterinary world as an Israeli veterinarian and researcher. His research work remains relevant to this day and his heritage lives on. Trevor Waner
Editor-in-Chief Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 67 (1)  March 2012

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